Sunday 3 March 2024

A revolutionary radioactive battery has been created by China, allowing smartphones to operate continuously for an impressive 50 years.

According to Chinese startup Betavolt, unlike some current batteries that can be unsafe when damaged or exposed to high temperatures, their battery will not catch fire or explode even in response to punctures or gunshots. A recent Independent article states that Betavolt, based in Beijing, has successfully miniaturized atomic energy by fitting 63 nuclear isotopes into a module smaller than a coin. asserts that they have created a revolutionary battery that can provide endless power for cell phones and eternally operating drones.

The battery uses a technique first explored in the 20th century, converting the energy released by decaying isotopes into electricity. Betavolt calls it the next-generation battery and has already begun pilot testing. They plan to eventually mass-produce the battery for commercial use, such as in phones and drones. According to the startup, this battery has the potential to meet the long-term power needs of various scenarios, including aerospace, AI equipment, medical equipment, microprocessors, advanced sensors, small drones, and micro-robots.

Betavolt believes that this new energy innovation will give China a leading edge in the new round of AI technological revolution. Their first battery can deliver 100 microwatts of power and a voltage of 3V in a compact size of 15x15x5 cubic millimeters. By 2025, they aim to produce a battery with 1 watt of power.

The small size of these batteries makes them ideal for use in series, providing more power. Betavolt envisions a future where phones never need to be charged, and drones can fly indefinitely. The battery's layered design also ensures safety, as it can withstand sudden forces without catching fire or exploding. Additionally, it can operate in extreme temperatures, ranging from -60 degrees Celsius to 120 degrees Celsius.

The process behind the battery is using nickel-63, a radioactive element, as the energy source, and diamond semiconductors as energy converters. The team at Betavolt has successfully developed a single-crystal structure for the diamond semiconductor, ensuring better energy conversion efficiency. They have also improved the stability of the battery, making it a reliable power source for various applications.

The team has successfully created a 10-micron-thick single-crystal diamond semiconductor and incorporated a 2-micron-thick nickel-63 sheet between two diamond semiconductor converters. This allows for the conversion of decay energy from a radioactive source into an electrical current. Betavolt, a company in this field, touts the benefits of their atomic energy batteries, such as their lightweight nature, long lifespan, and high energy density. These batteries can operate in extreme temperatures ranging from -60 to 120 degrees Celsius. With its modular design, multiple atomic batteries can be connected to generate higher energy output, making them suitable for use in various applications, including automotive technology and AI systems. However, there are concerns about radiation associated with nuclear energy, which Betavolt addresses by ensuring that their batteries have no external radiation and are safe for use in medical devices like pacemakers and cochlear implants. The company also claims that its batteries are environmentally friendly, as the nickel-63 isotope used in the battery decays into a stable and non-radioactive copper isotope after the decay period. The BV100 battery produced by Betavolt is also said to be safer than traditional batteries, as it will not catch fire or explode when punctured or exposed to high temperatures. This technology of tiny-sized nuclear batteries, once only used in spacecraft and remote scientific stations, is now being pursued for commercialization under China's 14th Five-Year Plan. Researchers in the US and Europe are also working on similar developments, as stated in the Independent article.

Sunday 12 August 2018

PTI to nominate Imran Khan as prime minister today

ISLAMABAD: Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaf’s (PTI) parliamentary committee meets here on Monday (today) to nominate party chairman Imran Khan as prime minister
The parliamentary committee is also expected to decide the names of federal cabinet members in the meeting to be chaired by Mr Khan. The PTI chief had earlier decided to keep his federal cabinet small with an initial strength of 15 to 20 federal ministers.
“The meeting will endorse the nomination of Imran Khan as next prime minister of the country,” PTI spokesman Fawad Chaudhry confirmed to Dawn when contacted on Sunday.

Tuesday 2 January 2018

US President Donald Trump

President Trump has previously said Pakistan offers a "safe haven" to terrorists

President Donald Trump has accused Pakistan of lying and deceiving the United States while receiving billions of dollars in foreign aid.
In his first tweet of the year, he also alleged Pakistan harboured terrorists.
Pakistan reacted angrily to the tweet, saying all the funding was accounted for and that Mr Trump was bitter due to the "US defeat in Afghanistan".
The US is considering withholding more than $250m (£185m) in aid that it delayed sending to Islamabad in August.
The United States has foolishly given Pakistan more than 33 billion dollars in aid over the last 15 years, and they have given us nothing but lies & deceit, thinking of our leaders as fools. They give safe haven to the terrorists we hunt in Afghanistan, with little help. No more!

Sunday 21 May 2017

The US Is Planning On Demonetizing Foreign Governments

The US Is Planning On Demonetizing Foreign Governments
The US Is Planning On Demoneti... is listed (or ranked) 4 on the list Conspiracy Theories We Think Will Be A Thing In 2017

Did you know that the US is trying to strip countries of their cash to claim dominance in the world? No? Well, this all began when Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi nullified the two largest bank notes in the country, giving people a grace period to deposit the cash into their bank accounts. Unfortunately half of the country lives without a bank account, which is great for a global conglomeration that wants to control the population by rationing out food and support. Look for demonetization to get hot in second and third world countries in late 2017, hopefully by 2018 we can have the entire world on a system where people have to fight for their food. 

NASA Will Continue To Lie To Us About Space Anomalies

NASA Will Continue To Lie To Us About Space Anomalies
NASA Will Continue To Lie To U... is listed (or ranked) 1 on the list Conspiracy Theories We Think Will Be A Thing In 2017

If you've been keeping tabs on NASA since the "moon landing" then you know that there's nothing those egg heads love more than to keep regular, hard working Americans in the dark about what they're up to and what's happening in space that could affect our daily lives. A few days into January 2017 something was picked up on radar that left a hole in our sun, yet NASA has been mum on what it is that ricocheted off of the sun. Could it have been a UFO? A planet? Why won't NASA be honest for once?

Conspiracy Theories We Think Will Be A Thing In 2017

Conspiracy Theories We Think Will Be A Thing In 2017

With a new year comes new conspiracy theories that either sound too ridiculous to be true or strangely logical enough to be real. Many of these 2017 conspiracy theories are either updated or continued from the conspiracy theories in 2016, particularly due to Donald Trump winning the presidential election. Along with the ever-popular conspiracy theory of the Illuminati pulling all the strings, this list of possible conspiracies also includes potential plans for the Trump administration. 
This year's conspiracy theories involve secret government workings, acts of terrorism, hoax shootings, and signs leading to the world's end. Even a few celebrities like Kanye West and Jay-Z are mentioned on this list of the latest conspiracy theories. Whether you're a skeptic or a conspiracy theorist, some of these "conspiracies" will seem laughable, impossible, or downright scary.  

Here are the conspiracy theories that are most likely to make the news in 2017. Vote up the ones you think will also be a thing, but be careful - they're watching. Always. 

Monday 15 May 2017

Closest alien world to our solar system could be ripe for life, models suggest

Could alien life reside close to our stellar neighborhood? Astronomers are taking that question a bit more seriously as new models increasingly suggest that the closest Earth-like planet to our solar system could be habitable. Researchers first started playing a bit of “fantasy exoplanet” with the rocky world—dubbed Proxima b—last year after scientists discovered it orbiting our nearest neighbor star, Proxima Centauri. With knowledge only of the luminosity of the star (1/600 that of the sun), the mass of the planet (1.3 times that of Earth), and the length of its orbit (11.2 days), the team was able to predict that, with a variety of possible atmospheres, it would be possible for Proxima b to harbor liquid water on its surface. Now, another team has upped the level of detail by taking a climate model designed for Earth—the Unified Model developed by the United Kingdom's Met Office—and pasted it onto Proxima b. We have no real idea what the atmosphere of Proxima b is made of, but for the sake of argument the researchers tried out an atmosphere like Earth’s as well as a simpler one—mostly nitrogen with a dash of carbon dioxide. They also played around with the orbit, making it a bit more elliptical, and tried turning down the star’s brightness dial—there’s some uncertainty over both these factors in observations. And they looked at the likely scenarios of Proxima b being tidally locked—always presenting the same face to the star—or making three spins for every two orbits. As the team reports today inAstronomy & Astrophysics, it found an even wider range of circumstances in which Proxima b could have liquid water than the earlier study. The fact that the two very different models agree so closely is “somewhat remarkable,” the team writes, and gives confidence that, when more details about Proxima b and other exoplanets come in, their predictions will be less fantasy and closer to the facts.