Thursday 16 February 2017


The Best Things From Seattle

A major port of entry and the largest city in Washington; located in west central 
Washington on the protected waters of Puget Sound with the snow-capped peaks of the Cascade Range and Mount Ranier visible to the south and east; an aerospace and computer center; site of the University of Washington. Seattle Washington is consistently considered one of the top cities in America, and for good reason. Seattle is known for many different things. Being the home of huge tech companies like Amazon and Microsoft, internationally famous coffee shops like Starbucks and Seattle's Best and let's not forget the birthplace of grunge. 

With so many great things coming out of one town, how does one determine which is the best thing to come out of Seattle? Is it Nirvana? Valve Entertainment? Maybe the Fremont Troll? It's up to you to decide. 

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