Tuesday 11 April 2017

17 Teen HBICs You Loved To Hate Watch

17 Teen HBICs You Loved To Hate Watch

Teen TV dramas hold a special place in many a heart. They're a nostalgia trip, whether you're a millennial, a Gen xer, or whatever you call the current crop of 'youths.' But what do you remember when you cast your mind back to those heady days of drama-infested CW       minefields Whether it's from TV  or film, you remember the mean girls, the antagonists, the HBICs.
You love to hate them. You love to watch them. You can't get enough of their Machiavellian machinations and manipulations, the things that allow them to reign over their social hierarchies uncontested and unchallenged. No one occupies the memory space dedicated to the best teen dramas quite like the most loveable betches on TV do. So let's take a look back at the best HBICs of all time. 

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